What Should You Do If You Are Waiting for an Ambulance after a Car Crash?

The moments following a car crash can leave victims in a haze as they try to understand what steps they should take next. With over six million car accidents occurring across the United States each year, it is crucial that every driver knows what to do after an accident in order to ensure their safety.

Younglove Law Group is a team of car crash lawyers with extensive experience helping clients who have been hit by negligent drivers. It is crucial that accident victims know what to do if they are waiting for an ambulance after a car crash. If you have been in a car accident in California, consider contacting a California car accident lawyer to help guide you through the events following a car crash.

Steps to Take While Waiting for an Ambulance after a Car Crash

After a car crash occurs, it is normal for victims to feel overwhelmed and frightened as they take in the events that have just happened. After a car accident, it is crucial that the drivers and passengers involved take the following steps while they wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Call the Police

It is vital that emergency medical services, like an ambulance, are contacted to assist any victims with life-threatening injuries after a crash. However, it is also important that police are notified of the accident. It is crucial to have police present so that an official accident report is filed.

Check Yourself for Injuries

Sometimes, in the moments immediately after a car accident, victims may experience shock, causing them not to feel any symptoms of their injuries. That is why it is essential that drivers and passengers check themselves for any severe injuries before moving from the vehicle.

Be Cautious Caring for Other Victims

If another person has been severely injured in the car accident, you may feel the urge to try to help them. However, if the victim appears to be severely injured, like if they were thrown from the vehicle, you should avoid moving their body to avoid further injuring them. You should try to keep them focused and awake by asking them simple questions like what their name is or where they are from.

Get Help from an Experienced Car Crash Lawyer

After a car crash occurs, many victims may feel overwhelmed and stressed as they adjust to the reality of what has happened. If you or a loved one has been hit by a negligent driver, you deserve to receive financial compensation for your losses. To get help with your car crash accident claim, contact an experienced car crash injury lawyer.

Younglove Law Group is a team of California car crash injury lawyers with extensive experience helping car accident victims in California recover the damages they are owed. We are proud to provide our clients with the award-winning and dedicated representation they deserve. To schedule a free case review with one of our skilled personal injury lawyers, fill out our online contact form or call (949) 691-3660.

Who Faces Liability for a Dog Bite When a Dog Walker is Involved?

Dogs are known as man’s best friend. However, not all dogs are as friendly as they may look. In fact, each year, there are 4.5 million reports of dog bite incidents across the United States. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a dog bite, it is crucial that you seek the help of a dog bite lawyer.

Younglove Law Group is a team of California dog bite lawyers with extensive experience helping clients with claims when a dog walker is involved. It is crucial to understand who is liable for a dog bite when a dog walker is involved.

Is a Dog Walker Liable for a Dog Bite in California?

For many busy Californians, hiring a dog walker is the solution to ensuring their pet still gets the exercise and time outside that they need. However, with there being obvious pros to hiring a dog walker, they might not always be the best-trained person to care for a pet. They might not know how to avoid putting the pet into a situation in which a dog bite could occur.

California is a strict liability state when it comes to dog bites. This means that the dog owner receives strict liability for an incident where their dog injures another person by biting them. Even if the animal was in the dog walker’s care, the owner still retains liability for the dog bite incident. That is why it is essential for dog owners that utilize dog walkers or dog walking apps to ensure they have proper insurance in the event that a dog bite occurs.

Depending on the conduct of the dog walker, they may also be liable for a dog bite in addition to the dog’s owner. A claim against a dog walker will be fact-specific and must show that the dog walker’s negligence was causally related to the bite. For example, if a dog walker was walking a dog off leash and it bit someone, the dog walker would likely be liable for the bite due to California’s leash laws. An experienced dog bite attorney will be able to evaluate the facts of your claim and determine whether there is a viable claim against a dog walker.

What Should You Do After a Dog Bite?

Dogs are generally considered to be friendly animals. That is why most people’s first reaction to seeing a dog is to reach out and pet it. Unfortunately, not all dogs are as friendly as they look. If a dog bites you or a loved one, the following steps are crucial to ensuring your safety and well-being:

  • Wash out the wound with soap to prevent infection
  • If you are bleeding, wrap the wound with a bandage
  • Get the contact information and insurance information of the dog’s owner
  • Seek medical attention if necessary

Additionally, it is vital that victims of dog bites contact an experienced California dog bite lawyer with knowledge of the state’s legal system to help with their claims.

Get Help from a California Dog Bite Lawyer

A dog bite can leave victims with damaging injuries. If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog in California, you may be owed financial compensation for your injuries.

Younglove Law Group is a team of California personal injury lawyers with extensive experience helping clients pursue the financial compensation they are owed for their injuries. We are proud to offer our clients the award-winning and trusted representation they deserve. To schedule your free case review, fill out our online contact form or call (949) 691-3660.

What Evidence is Needed to Prove a Distracted Driving Claim?

Each year, there are over six million car accidents reported. With so many car accidents occurring, you may be wondering what causes so many of these damaging accidents in the first place. Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in California. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by a distracted driver, you deserve to be compensated for the losses you have suffered as a result.

Younglove Law Group is a team of skilled car accident lawyers with experience helping clients who have been hit by distracted and negligent drivers. It is important to know what evidence is needed to prove a distracted driving claim.

What Evidence Do You Need for a Distracted Driving Claim?

It can be difficult to prove that your accident was caused as a result of a distracted driver. However, the following evidence can help build a strong claim as you pursue the justice you are owed.

Phone Records

If you saw the driver who hit you on their phone making a call or texting, obtaining phone records may be the best way to prove that. Your car accident attorney may be able to petition to obtain the at-fault driver’s phone records if it will help your claim.

Eyewitness Statements

Having an eyewitness account of what occurred at the accident scene can be crucial evidence when trying to prove that the at-fault driver was distracted when they caused the accident.

Physical Evidence

If the distracted driver was not utilizing a cell phone at the time of the crash, there may be physical evidence of other distractions that may have caused the accident. Some other distractions include:

  • Putting on makeup
  • Drinking or eating
  • Looking for an item on the floor or in the console
  • Looking in a purse
  • Turning around to speak to a passenger in the back of the car

What Damages Are You Eligible for from a Distracted Driving Claim?

After being hit by a distracted driver, you may be owed financial compensation for the losses you have suffered as a result of their negligence. The damages that you may be eligible to collect include:

  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering

If you are unsure of what damages you may be eligible to collect, a knowledgeable California personal injury lawyer may be able to help by going over the details of your claim.

Contact an Experienced California Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been hit by a distracted driver, you may be owed financial compensation for the losses you have suffered as a result. To get help with your claim, contact an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Younglove Law Group is a team of California car accident lawyers with extensive experience helping clients who have been hit by distracted drivers. We know that it can be stressful for our clients to try to gather the necessary evidence for their claims while healing from their injuries. That is why we are dedicated to providing clients with the personalized service they deserve. To schedule a free case review, fill out our online contact form or call (949) 691-3660.

Risk Reduction: Protecting Your Kids from a Dog Bite

Dogs are life-long companions for humans, and the bond between an owner and their pet can be unbreakable. However, dogs are still animals and may exhibit aggressive and dangerous behaviors. From playful to defensive aggression, dogs can bite for many reasons. Even if they don’t intend to harm a child, a single bite can cause severe injuries to children.

Controlling and training your own dog is a lot easier than keeping an eye out for others’ dogs. If someone else’s aggressive dog injures you or your child, you can seek compensation for the harm you or your child suffer. Contact an experienced dog bite injury lawyer who can help you recover the losses you incur due to the accident. 

What Are Some Signs That a Dog Is Dangerous and May Bite?

In some cases, you may be able to tell if a dog is about to bite or show aggressive behavior. Body language is imperative when analyzing whether or not a dog is about to bite. Consider some of the following ways you can tell if a dog may bite:

  • The dog is tense with ears back or straight up
  • The dog lifts the corner of its lip or mouth
  • The dog is growling without a playful bow
  • The dog’s head is low to the ground and in a stalking position
  • The dog is intensely staring at you

If you find that a dog is showing any of the above signs, leave the area immediately or put as much distance between your family and the dog as possible. Knowing and understanding these signs can help reduce the likelihood of experiencing a dog bite.

3 Tips to Keep Your Children Safe from a Dangerous Dog

It is impossible for you to always be on guard and watch your child’s safety. However, there are some ways to help your child learn more about being mindful and aware of dogs and their behavior.


When your children learn about the proper ways to pet or show affection to a dog, they can approach the animal safely and respectfully. Many children may try and pet the dog wrong or grab at their tail without understanding the dangers they may face. Explaining how to properly pet and play with a dog is essential when preventing bites.


The more familiar a child is with a dog and its behaviors, the better they can pick up body language and tell when a dog is dangerous. Not only can they learn from the dog’s behavior, but their parents as well. Children will model their behavior after their parents, so the more exposure they have to their parents and dogs, the more they can learn.


Even when children are safely playing with a dog and have experience with one, there are times when they may encounter dangerous situations. During these moments, having the ability to jump in and separate the dog from your child is vital. Putting distance or taking your child from the situation before it gets dangerous can reduce the severity of injuries. 

The best way to protect your child is to educate them on what to look out for when a dog shows signs of aggression. This will make sure that even when you are not there, they can protect themselves.

Contact Younglove Law Group for a Reliable Dog Bite Lawyer

Dogs are most often friendly and make exceptional companions, but staying aware of their body language and behaviors can significantly reduce the likelihood of your children suffering from a dog bite. If you or your child do happen to suffer from a dog bite, contact Younglove Law Group for a dependable lawyer. With years of experience working with clients to help them with their cases, we are proud to offer accessible communication and client-oriented legal services. Our main goal is to make sure you have the best possible representation for your claim.

Call (949) 691-3660 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation with our dog bite lawyer.

5 Tips for Dealing with a Drunk Driver After a Car Accident

An accident with a drunk driver can be severe and cause life-threatening injuries that change your life forever. Not only are they dangerous on the road, but after an accident, they can be challenging to handle. Whether they are aggressive or flee the scene, handling a drunk driver can be more complicated than an average car accident case. You can experience more danger even after the accident.

A driver is considered too impaired to drive when their blood alcohol content (BAC) reaches above 0.08%. When someone consumes that much alcohol, their senses and reactions are dulled and uncontrollable. Due to their incapacitated state, they can be unaware of their actions and cause a dangerous accident. If you are in an accident with a drunk driver and suffer serious injuries, you have the ability to seek compensation for the harm you incur due to your injuries.

How to Deal with a Drunk Driver after a Car Accident

Alcohol can cause people to act aggressively and impulsively when in complicated or serious situations. If a drunk driver causes an accident and harms you, they may feel inclined to argue or intimidate you to avoid fault. However, there are some tips you can take to try and avoid these encounters.

Call 911 Immediately

One of the first steps to take after an accident is to call law enforcement. Not only will they submit an accident report, but they will also analyze the driver and see if they are too intoxicated to drive. Having that information is crucial to an accident claim and can help you show the other person’s fault and negligence.

Limit Conversation

Sometimes drivers can get aggressive and dangerous, so limiting your conversation with the driver and waiting for law enforcement to arrive can keep you safe and from harm. While you may want to discuss the accident with the other person, they may try to turn it on you and cause conflict.

Avoid Confrontation and Blame

Accidents can cause everyone to feel overwhelmed and angry. Even though you may want to confront the other person, pointing blame and getting upset may only enrage or trigger the other driver to start exhibiting aggressive behavior that can put you and whoever is involved in the accident at risk.

Don’t Attempt to Follow

In some drunk driving accidents, the intoxicated driver may try and flee the scene. When they do this, do not try to follow or chase after them. Instead, try and write down everything that you saw and remember about the vehicle, as well as if you remember the license plate. Quickly taking photographs with your phone can be an invaluable tool in situations like this.

Gather Vital Information

While you may not be able to talk and discuss information with the driver, safely gathering information can significantly help your case. An example of safe information gathering is taking pictures of their vehicle license plate or the damage to your car. Also, taking pictures that show the other person’s car can help police find them if they decide to flee the scene.

Accidents with drunk drivers can be frightening and filled with anxiety. Not only will you have to deal with all the usual challenges that come with a car accident, but you will also need to consider your safety and how the intoxicated driver may act in that situation.

Contact an Experienced California Car Accident Lawyer

When you’re interested in seeking compensation for the damages you incur, contact an experienced car accident lawyer in Newport Beach who can help guide you through the legal claim process.

Our team at Younglove Law Group can help gather evidence and provide you with answers to your questions. With years of experience helping clients across California, we understand what it takes to have a smooth and streamlined car accident claim.

Call (949) 691-3660 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation with our car accident lawyers.

Who Is at Fault for a Self-Driving Car Accident in California?

As technological advancements continue to change the motor vehicle industry, self-driving cars are becoming increasingly more common. There are currently 1,400 self-driving cars in the United States. While these futuristic vehicles may be exciting, there are safety concerns associated with these autonomous vehicles.

Since the debut of self-driving cars on California roads, damaging accidents have occurred. Younglove Law Group has a team of California car accident lawyers with experience helping clients who have been injured in self-driving car accidents. If you have been hit by a self-driving car in California, it can be challenging to know who is at fault for any losses you have suffered from the accident.

Who Is Liable in a Self-Driving Car Accident in California?

Self-driving cars were designed with many goals in mind. One such goal is to decrease the number of motor vehicle accidents that occur each day in the United States. One of the leading causes of motor vehicle accidents is human error, or negligence. Self-driving cars are a potential solution to this problem because they can drive themselves without the help of a human driver. Unfortunately, since the introduction of autonomous cars on the roads, self-driving cars have caused accidents on multiple occasions.

If you have been injured by an autonomous vehicle, there are a couple of different parties who may be held responsible for your injuries. The parties that might be liable for the accident include:

  • Manufacturers: If the vehicle is being tested and is not yet available to be owned by the public, the manufacturer (g., Tesla) may be liable.
  • Driver: If a driver of the car was supposed to stop the vehicle in the event of an issue, they could be held partially responsible for the accident.
  • Owner’s Insurance Provider: If a person or entity owns the self-driving car, they may be liable for the accident.

Proving liability can be difficult for any car accident claim, especially when the car that hit you is self-driving. That is why it is crucial to employ the help of an experienced car accident lawyer in California. You want a skilled attorney on your side to help you with your claim.

Can You Collect Damages after a Self-Driving Car Accident?

If you or a loved one have been injured in a self-driving car accident, you may be able to collect financial compensation in the form of damages. Some of the damages you may be eligible to receive will cover:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering

If you are unsure of what damages you are eligible to collect, a skilled car accident lawyer may be able to help you by going over the details of your claim.

Contact a California Self-Driving Car Accident Lawyer at Younglove Law Group Today

Proving liability in a car accident can be difficult, but it is even more complicated when a self-driving car is involved. While it may be challenging to prove who is at fault, it is not impossible when you have the help of a California self-driving car accident lawyer on your side.

Younglove Law Group is a car accident law firm with extensive experience helping clients who have been injured in self-driving car accidents in California. Our knowledgeable team has the skills needed to help you navigate the California claims process. We want to help you pursue the financial compensation you deserve. To speak with one of our attorneys, you can fill out our contact form or call (949) 691-3660.

Key Information Regarding California Motorcycle Safety Laws

Motorcycles offer riders an exhilarating and daring way to travel in California. With California’s scenic, palm tree-studded roads, it is no surprise that riding a motorcycle is a popular form of transportation amongst Californians. While riding a motorcycle may be exciting, it also can be dangerous.

Each year in the United States, several thousand motorcycle accidents lead to fatalities. You should take the time to understand the critical information regarding California’s motorcycle safety laws. If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident, contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to help you with your claim. Younglove Law Group has a team of experienced motorcycle accident lawyers who are ready to help clients in California pursue the justice they deserve.

You Need a Motorcycle License in California

In California, you can begin the process of applying for a motorcycle license as young as fifteen years and six months old. To receive this license, however, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Certified driver education
  • Motorcycle training courses
  • Six months with a driving permit
  • Passing written tests, varying by age and whether or not the applicant has their driver’s license
  • Complete a skills test

A person must meet the above requirements to receive a motorcycle license; therefore, the issuing of a motorcycle license usually means that the driver has had extensive safety training. This reduces their risk of being involved in an accident due to inexperienced driving.

California Motorcyclists Must Wear Protective Equipment

To keep motorcyclists safe, there is a requirement to wear protective equipment. Such protective equipment includes:

  • Helmet: California is one of only eighteen states that legally require riders to wear state-regulated helmets.
  • Eyewear: Because most helmets have a shield, riders are not required to wear any additional eyewear; however, it is highly recommended that riders utilize another form of eye protection if the helmet does not have a shield.
  • Protective clothing: Protective clothing may include long-sleeved shirts, snug jackets, bright colors, long pants, closed-toe and over-the-ankle shoes, and leather gloves.

Motorcycles do not provide riders with a lot of protection. In addition, motorcycles are much smaller than most other motor vehicles on the road, making it highly dangerous for riders who choose not to wear protective gear.

What Can Motorcyclists Do to Be Safe and Alert on the Roads?

When operating a motorcycle, drivers should obey the following traffic and safety rules:

  • Never drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Drive at a speed that is safe for the conditions
  • Alert other drivers through signals when planning to change lanes or make a turn
  • Never drive while drowsy
  • Avoid driving in dangerous weather conditions

Motorcyclists should obey the above rules to help keep themselves and others safe on the roads. If the California traffic laws and regulations regarding motorcycle riding are unclear to you, contact a skilled motorcycle lawyer for help.

Contact a California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer at Younglove Law Group Today

Motorcycle accidents can leave victims with debilitating injuries. That is why it is crucial to be aware of the laws in place to keep drivers safe. If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle accident, a motorcycle accident lawyer may be able to help you with your claim.

Younglove Law Group has a team of seasoned motorcycle accident lawyers with experience helping clients in California. We are proud to provide our clients with the dedicated and award-winning representation they deserve. To contact Younglove Law Group, you can fill out our online form here or call (949) 691-3660.

3 Types of Driving Distractions to Stay Away From

In this age of advanced technology and constant change, staying connected with our friends, family, and current events comes through our phones and other devices. While we may find it difficult to separate ourselves during the times when we are driving, it is essential to take others’ and our own safety into consideration. Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous issues on the road. 

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that in 2019, 3,142 U.S. residents lost their lives due to distracted driving. Accidents involving distracted driving often result in individuals suffering from severe, life-threatening injuries that need extensive medical treatment. Despite California’s efforts to stop distracted driving, there is still a concern for public safety due to how difficult it is to enforce the restrictions. 

What Are the 3 Types of Distractions to Stay Away from When Driving?

While many first think of texting and driving when distractions on the road are mentioned, there are many different ways to have your focus diverted from driving. All the different ways someone can be distracted while driving can fall under three separate categories:


Visual distractions like billboards or objects outside your car divert your attention from the road onto something else — taking your eyes off the road. While outside distractions are unavoidable, limiting the distractions in your car that will pull your eyes away from the road can help prevent accidents.


When a distraction causes you to take your hands off the steering wheel, they are classified as manual diversions. Examples of manual distractions are texting while driving and changing the radio station. It may be challenging to keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times, but unexpected situations occur on the road all the time, and if you only have one hand on the wheel, you may end up in a severe accident. 


When you are first learning to drive, either your instructor or guardian may have told you not to drive if you are upset. Some distractions come from within and cause our minds to drift as we drive. If you have ever ended up at your house without any recollection of how you got there, you may have experienced “mind-wandering.” This phenomenon often happens when doing a repetitive task or where your body goes into autopilot. 

Distracted driving is dangerous and can cause severe harm to those on the road. If you are involved in an accident and suffer severe injuries due to someone else’s negligence, contact a car accident attorney as soon as possible. 

Most Common Injuries Sustained in Distracted Driving Accidents

Accidents can happen without a moment’s notice and change your life forever. Distracted driving is more than just a mistake and can cause you severe harm and even death. Some of the most common injuries you can face include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Broken bones
  • Burns 
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Concussion
  • Sprains and Strains

When you are harmed in an accident because of someone else, you are eligible to recover compensation for the damages you incur in the accident. Not only can you suffer expensive medical fees, but also lost wages and treatment fees. A car accident lawyer can help you receive the compensation you need. 

Contact Younglove Law Group for a Dependable Car Accident Attorney

Many do not realize the severity of distracted driving until they are in an unfortunate situation. With the help of an experienced car accident lawyer at Younglove Law Group, you can receive the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers have years of experience working with clients from across California and are ready to offer their reliable services and knowledge to those that need assistance. The favorable outcomes and testimonials from past clients show our dedication to our clients and motivation for justice.

Call (949) 691-3660 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation today.

Do I Always Need to Call the Police After a Car Crash in California?

After a California car accident, the people involved are required to stop and check the other individual and damage to the vehicles. If one of the drivers does not stop and continues driving without assessing the situation and talking with the other party, they can be charged with fleeing a hit-and-run for fleeing the scene. Even if the accident seems minor, there is a possibility that someone can be hurt. 

While minor accidents with little to no damage are not required to be reported to the police, it is still a good idea to have the accident on file in case you discover an injury that resulted from the accident. For example, if another car rear-ends you, but you both stop and see there is no damage, you may decide to part ways without calling the police. If you later find out that you sustained whiplash from the accident you will have to pay for medical treatment and medication for your injury. 

Another reason to contact the police after even a minor accident is to document the facts. At-fault drivers often apologize and admit fault at the scene only to later try to shift blame when speaking with the insurance companies. In short, contacting the police after an accident can save you money, time, and frustration. 

Does the Law Require Me to Contact the Police after an Accident in California?

It is advisable to contact the police right after a car accident. Having an officer at the scene ensures that information is exchanged properly and that an official report is made, documenting the incident with statements from all involved parties, if feasible.

There are a few circumstances where the drivers must report the accident to the California Highway Patrol or the local police department where the crash occurred. In any of the cases below, the accident must be reported within 24 hours after the accident:

  • The accident caused a bodily injury or death.
  • The accident involved a hit-and-run or an intoxicated driver.
  • Property damages from the accident seem to exceed $1,000.

In California, the law may require you to file a report with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within ten days of the accident. Filing a report with these departments is critical in a personal injury case or where you are looking to recover compensation for the damages you incur due to injuries and property damage. There can be penalties assessed if you neglect to file the proper paperwork following an accident.  

Why Should I Call the Police after a Car Accident in California?

Filing a police report puts the accident on file and memorializes that this event happened. Police officers respond to countless accidents and have experience with what to look out for during an accident investigation. A police report can protect your legal rights to compensation and strengthen your claim against an at-fault driver. 

Police reports often contain vital information about the accident, including: 

  • The contact information for all parties, their insurance companies, and any accident witnesses
  • Explicit details and accounts of how the accident occurred 
  • Statements from the drivers and witnesses
  • The weather conditions and location of the accident
  • The law enforcement officer’s conclusions about the cause of the accident
  • If there were any traffic tickets issued 

When a police report is not filed, or law enforcement is not called, the party at fault may make many untrue statements. Filing a report with the police can help protect you and your ability to file a claim for injuries or damages you incur.

Contact an Experienced California Car Accident Attorney Today

Our team of dedicated Younglove Law Group lawyers has years of experience advocating for the rights and interests of our clients. With accessible communication and extensive knowledge of California law, our car accident lawyers are proud to offer dependable legal services you can trust. At Younglove Law Group, our primary goal is to provide you with the tools and resources you need for a successful claim process. We want to make sure that you are properly protected and represented in legal conflicts. 

Call (949) 691-3660 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation today

Who is Responsible for a Dog Bite in California?

Dogs are known as man’s best friend, making it a natural reaction to run up and pet a dog when you see one. While most dogs, especially those that are family pets, tend to be docile, they are still animals and may become violent when it is least expected. There are about 4.5 million dog bites reported in the United States each year. Whether a dog bite occurs because the animal was afraid, provoked, or the bite was a random incident, the question of who holds responsibility for the incident comes to mind. 

Younglove Law Group is a team of skilled dog bite lawyers helping clients in California. While it can sometimes be difficult to determine who is responsible for a dog bite in California, you should consult with an experienced lawyer who may be able to help you determine who is liable. 

Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Dog Bite in California?

While California Civil Code section 3342 states a dog’s owner is strictly liable for any injuries suffered by another person that were caused by their dog’s bite, several other potential parties may be held responsible when a dog bite occurs. 

The Dog’s Caretaker

If a dog bite occurs while the dog is under the care or supervision of someone else besides the owner, that caretaker may be held liable. While a dog’s owner does not need to have knowledge of a dog’s aggression or history to be held liable, a caretaker does. To be held liable for the incident, the caretaker must have been acting in a negligent way that led to the dog bite. There are exceptions to this rule as well, which an experienced dog bite attorney will be able to apply.

Residential Property Owners

If a property owner knows a dog on their property is dangerous, they may be held liable for that dog’s bite. Additionally, if the dog escapes the property and bites someone due to a known defect such as a broken gate, the property owner may be held responsible even if the incident took place off the grounds. 


A landlord can be held responsible for a dog bite if they knew that a tenant’s dog had violent tendencies and they had the right to remove the dog from the property but did not. 

Commercial Property Owners

Commercial property owners have a responsibility to thoroughly inspect their properties for any dangers, including a potentially violent dog. If a dog bite does occur on their property, they cannot claim they are not responsible just because they were not aware of the dog on the premises. 

Get Help From a California Dog Bite Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been bit by a dog, you deserve to get financial compensation for your injury. A California dog bite lawyer may be able to help you determine who is responsible as you pursue the damages you are owed. 

Younglove Law Group is a team of California dog bite lawyers with extensive experience helping clients pursue the justice they deserve. Our skilled dog bite lawyers are proud to provide our clients with the personalized and dedicated representation they deserve. To set up a free case review with one of our award-winning lawyers, contact us here or call (949) 691-3660.