Who Is Responsible for a Dog Bite Under a Pet Sitter’s Care?
If you are familiar with California’s personal injury and dog bite law, you might know that owners are generally held responsible for damages their dogs cause. However, imagine working as a pet sitter and getting bitten by your client’s pet. Or maybe someone received an injury during the dog’s walking route under the pet sitter’s care. If the dog owner is not present, are they still likely to be held liable for the injuries? Is the owner still responsible for paying medical bills and handling other losses?
We can iron out some finer details and clarify the situation in this case. Younglove Law Group is dedicated to supporting its clients throughout the legal process. We have access to helpful information and resources you need to win favorable results. If you think we can help, please do not hesitate to contact our experienced legal team.
Who Is Responsible for a Dog Bite in a Pet Sitter’s Care?
In most circumstances, California law will hold a dog’s owner responsible for any injuries related to a bite, scratching, clawing, falling, or other situations. The owner is likely to hold at least a portion of the responsibility in most cases. However, the owner might not be 100% liable in every circumstance where their dog injures others.
For example, if a pet sitter knows that a dog is likely to bite but still accepts work related to the animal’s care, they might be partially responsible for their own injuries. Additionally, if the pet sitter teases or otherwise taunts the dog, this individual may be partly responsible in this case also. If the sitter warns others to avoid taunting the dog to prevent risks of injury, but these individuals bother the pet anyway, the injured individual may be partially responsible.
What Should You Do After Receiving a Dog Bite in California?
If a dog has bitten you, it is vital to take immediate action to improve your chances of full recovery. Please refer to our suggestions for assistance in creating strategies that can serve your legal goals. These might be beneficial if you wish to receive adequate compensation for your medical bills and other losses as well as if you intend to take legal action against the responsible parties.
Receive Medical Attention Immediately
We highly recommend you seek medical attention as soon as possible after you have been injured, as this boosts your odds of achieving full recovery. Your medical practitioner may also help identify latent injuries, determine what caused the situation, offer suggestions for treatment plans, and refer you to specialists you may need to see.
Please hold onto any doctor’s notes and itemized medical bills, as they will likely be helpful during legal proceedings. Taking immediate action and seeking medical attention will also probably show the court that you are taking recovery seriously. Your doctor’s notes and medical bills can help ensure you receive adequate compensation and accurately portray your version of events.
Speak With a Personal Injury Lawyer in Your Area
If you intend to participate in any legal proceedings, please speak with a lawyer for assistance. In the case of a dog bite or another injury related to someone’s pet’s behavior, we recommend speaking with and retaining a personal injury lawyer near you. Your attorney might be able to assist you in several ways, including the following:
- Legal knowledge
- Negotiation skills
- Handle insurance companies and additional legal representatives
- Speak on your behalf
- Complete and file paperwork
- Reduce stress
- Provide a referral to medical and other specialists
- Offer helpful information and resources
- Join or lead investigations
- Collect and assess evidence
- Build a strong case in your favor
- Assess the value of your claims
- Increase and maximize your compensation
Retaining the services of an experienced lawyer is the best way to ensure your interests are looked after and you are awarded the recovery you need. While it may be tempting to try to represent yourself, it is likely you will disclose information that is harmful to your claim and lose compensation you would otherwise have been entitled to.
Dog Bite Injury in California? Speak With a Personal Injury Lawyer at Younglove Law Group Today
If you or someone you know has received a dog bite injury, do not hesitate to reach out to Younglove Law Group at your earliest convenience. We are dedicated to treating our clients with compassion, and we are highly trusted to work hard and accomplish excellent results for victims.
You can get in touch with us by calling (949) 691-3660 or completing our contact form at your earliest convenience, whichever you prefer. Alternatively, you can call us toll-free at (844) 810-1800. We look forward to hearing from you, and we are excited to fight for you.