Who Faces Liability for a Dog Bite When a Dog Walker is Involved?
Dogs are known as man’s best friend. However, not all dogs are as friendly as they may look. In fact, each year, there are 4.5 million reports of dog bite incidents across the United States. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a dog bite, it is crucial that you seek the help of a dog bite lawyer.
Younglove Law Group is a team of California dog bite lawyers with extensive experience helping clients with claims when a dog walker is involved. It is crucial to understand who is liable for a dog bite when a dog walker is involved.
Is a Dog Walker Liable for a Dog Bite in California?
For many busy Californians, hiring a dog walker is the solution to ensuring their pet still gets the exercise and time outside that they need. However, with there being obvious pros to hiring a dog walker, they might not always be the best-trained person to care for a pet. They might not know how to avoid putting the pet into a situation in which a dog bite could occur.
California is a strict liability state when it comes to dog bites. This means that the dog owner receives strict liability for an incident where their dog injures another person by biting them. Even if the animal was in the dog walker’s care, the owner still retains liability for the dog bite incident. That is why it is essential for dog owners that utilize dog walkers or dog walking apps to ensure they have proper insurance in the event that a dog bite occurs.
Depending on the conduct of the dog walker, they may also be liable for a dog bite in addition to the dog’s owner. A claim against a dog walker will be fact-specific and must show that the dog walker’s negligence was causally related to the bite. For example, if a dog walker was walking a dog off leash and it bit someone, the dog walker would likely be liable for the bite due to California’s leash laws. An experienced dog bite attorney will be able to evaluate the facts of your claim and determine whether there is a viable claim against a dog walker.
What Should You Do After a Dog Bite?
Dogs are generally considered to be friendly animals. That is why most people’s first reaction to seeing a dog is to reach out and pet it. Unfortunately, not all dogs are as friendly as they look. If a dog bites you or a loved one, the following steps are crucial to ensuring your safety and well-being:
- Wash out the wound with soap to prevent infection
- If you are bleeding, wrap the wound with a bandage
- Get the contact information and insurance information of the dog’s owner
- Seek medical attention if necessary
Additionally, it is vital that victims of dog bites contact an experienced California dog bite lawyer with knowledge of the state’s legal system to help with their claims.
Get Help from a California Dog Bite Lawyer
A dog bite can leave victims with damaging injuries. If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog in California, you may be owed financial compensation for your injuries.
Younglove Law Group is a team of California personal injury lawyers with extensive experience helping clients pursue the financial compensation they are owed for their injuries. We are proud to offer our clients the award-winning and trusted representation they deserve. To schedule your free case review, fill out our online contact form or call (949) 691-3660.