Suicide: When Is It Wrongful Death?
Losing a loved one is always challenging, especially when someone else is responsible for the untimely loss of life. However, there are cases where death is untimely because someone has taken their own life. While suicide does not always qualify as a wrongful death, there can be some circumstances where you can take legal action and receive fair compensation. While suicidal ideation can be managed in many cases, bullies worsening a person’s life experiences might push some individuals over the edge.
When another person owes a special duty of care to the person at risk of suicide, or if others taunt or harass a suicidal individual, filing a wrongful death claim can be a good option. Receiving compensation and support during this challenging time can be extremely helpful, and we encourage you to find a sense of justice to aid you in moving forward. Please do not hesitate to contact the attorneys from Younglove Law Group for assistance, as we can help handle the complex tasks and decisions while standing by your side.
When Is Suicide Considered Wrongful Death?
Suicide is not always considered wrongful death in the eyes of the law, but there are certain circumstances where legal action might be applicable. More broadly, unreasonable amounts of taunting, harassment, bullying, or similar behavior can lead to suicide, where it might have otherwise been avoided.
There might also be cases where someone, like a therapist, psychiatrist, or doctor, owes a special duty of care to the individual and fails to deliver. Those with suicidal ideation should be treated with great care, and exacerbating their circumstances should be avoided. This does not mean others do not owe a special duty of care, but these are most likely to relate to your legal circumstances.
Acting negligently does not automatically imply responsibility for a suicide or any cause of death. However, if you can show that there is a reasonable connection to the loss of life because of irresponsible behavior, taking legal action can be a valid step for you and your family to take.
What Compensation Can You Collect When Someone Is Liable for Suicide?
If you wish to file a claim for wrongful death, you might be able to receive compensation for your family member’s suicide. When someone is responsible for a completed suicide, you can feasibly receive compensation for any of the following related losses:
- Medical bills
- Ambulance rides
- Mental health services
- Loss of consortium or companionship
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Loss of enjoyment of life
Many other damages might apply to your circumstances and qualify for compensation, so we strongly encourage you to work with an experienced wrongful death lawyer. An attorney from Younglove Law Group can provide valuable support in your time of need, including estimating the value of your claim, increasing the worth of your losses, and holding the liable individuals accountable.
Your attorney can also collect and analyze evidence, complete and file paperwork, communicate with insurance companies and legal representatives, and more. You do not have to manage legal matters alone. Do not hesitate to contact our team for assistance during this challenging time, and we can help your family receive fair compensation.
Younglove Law Group Is Here to Help: Get Outstanding Support From Our Wrongful Death Lawyers
Dealing with the aftermath of a tragic incident like suicide can be overwhelming and emotionally draining for family and friends. As you grapple with grief and uncertainty, know you are not alone in navigating the legal complexities. At Younglove Law Group, our experienced wrongful death attorneys stand ready to be your guiding light.
We pride ourselves on our commitment to achieving justice for families like yours. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation, and let us shoulder the legal burden. Dial (949) 691-3660 or use our toll-free line at (844) 810-1800. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form. We are here for you every step of the way.