Whenever you get into a car, you intend on getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. In certain circumstances, you might be in such a rush to make it to work or another location on time that you forget to put on your seatbelt. Maybe you have taken every other precaution to stay safe on the road, including following traffic signs and other laws, but forgetting your seatbelt can affect your claims after an accident. How does not wearing a seatbelt impact your claims and the compensation you can receive?
When you do not use your seatbelt, the other parties might try to use that information to their advantage. It can be used as proof that you were not being careful, and the court personnel might also decide that your injuries were worse than they could have been had you used all protective equipment available to you. This can reduce the compensation you are eligible to receive, but the car accident lawyers from Younglove Law Group can help. Please contact us as soon as possible to receive more information and schedule your free consultation.
Does Wearing a Seatbelt Impact Your Car Accident Case?
There is a reason that seatbelts are so commonly included in personal vehicles: they are great for preventing serious injuries you might experience after a car accident. So, wearing or not wearing a seatbelt can impact the result of your claim. You will not likely lose your case or all potential compensation, but you might qualify for less financial compensation.
Wearing a seatbelt prevents injuries, so other parties can attempt to argue that they should not be responsible for how severe the bodily harm is. They will try to blame you for making your injuries worse than they could have been, even though the other party was most responsible for the losses you face. If these parties successfully add fault to your side with these arguments, you might receive a higher percentage of liability.
With higher liability on your side, you will qualify for less compensation, meaning you will no longer be eligible to receive full payment from the other parties for your losses, including your medical bills and property damage. You can only receive compensation for the percentage of your loss value that is awarded to you. So, if you lost $200,000 because of the accident, but not wearing a seatbelt results in you receiving 20% responsibility, you would only be able to receive up to $160,000 in compensation from other parties.
If you want more information about understanding fault and how it will affect your car accident case, please reach out to us at Younglove Law Group. Our lawyers can help level the playing field against other parties, reduce your amount of fault, and obtain the compensation you need to focus on your recovery.
Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help You?
If you have been in a car accident, working with a qualified attorney is a great way to improve your odds of legal success. Your car accident lawyer will be able to speak on your behalf, collect and analyze evidence, organize or join investigations, and complete and file paperwork related to your case.
We encourage you to refrain from representing yourself during these legal matters and instead to work with a lawyer from Younglove Law Group. Self-representation often results in mistakes and further lost compensation, but your attorney can help minimize these risks. Your lawyer from Younglove Law Group can also support you in several additional ways throughout the process.
Get Valuable Support From Younglove Law Group’s Car Accident Lawyers
If you have been in a car accident, whether you have used your seatbelt or not, you do not have to manage legal matters without assistance. By working with a car accident lawyer from Younglove Law Group, you gain access to our helpful resources, knowledge, and recommendations for strategies. We have a long track record of bringing success to victims and survivors, and we can do the same for you during these difficult times.
Please contact us at your earliest convenience, as we will be able to answer any of your questions, grant clarity to any concerns you have, and schedule your free consultation with one of our qualified and talented attorneys. You can reach us by calling (949) 691-3660 or completing our contact form.